about us

A 100% digital bank, complete, with no fees, that connects you to the world of games.

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Get to know GamersBank

GamersBank is the evolution of an initiative that began in 2017 with the creation of GamersCard, a prepaid card aimed at gamers and poker players.

In 2019, the same group launched GamersWallet, a digital wallet made for poker players, which allows deposits and withdrawals of chips on the largest poker sites in the world.

Due to the success of GamersCard and GamersWallet, GamersBank was born! A company that offers payment solutions and financial services focused on iGaming players (poker), enabling deposits and withdrawals on gaming platforms, in real time, in a simple, practical and safe way.

With GamersBank you control your financial life and make your game happen!

Crie sua Conta

CNPJ: 26.220.235/0001-82 - Address: Av. Dos Parques 45, Tower B - Room 1309 - Tamboré - Santana de Parnaíba - SP - CEP 06544-300

gamersbank s.A - 2023 - all rights reserved